Again a red crossed with a red spot, we have more success with this style of breeding
Paphiopedilum Premium Plus - Bulldog Reds & Spots
4” square pot
In bud delivered in the US (except Alaska) in-pot $28.00, Alaska $32.00
01007 Paphiopedilum Red Elation
(Paphiopedilum Cheryl Ann Boyd 'Glamor Girl' x Paphiopedilum Red Riot 'Cherry Red')Both parents are red bulldogs although we do see some spotting.
01002 Paphiopedilum Red Doodle
(Paphiopedilum Red Riot 'Cherry Red' x Paphiopedilum Spotglen 'Doodlebug' HCC/AOS)The kind of bulldog breeding where we have the most success, red crossed with a spot, so you take your chances of a red or a spot.
00201 Paphiopedilum Startlingly More
(Paphiopedilum Startler 'Glace' AM/AOS x Paphiopedilum Milmoore 'Roman Blood' HCC/AOS)Mostly red bulldogs with some exhibiting spots
90702 Paphiopedilum Hybrid
(Paphiopedilum Memoria Sabrina Mark 'Summer Split Syn' x Paphiopedilum Milmoore 'Khasi' AM/AOS)We forgot to register this! That will be taken care of as soon as we get to that paperwork.
90701 Paphiopedilum Passing Clouds
(Paphiopedilum Luther Pass 'Tall One' x Paphiopedilum Milmoore 'Khasi' AM/AOS)Another attempt to improve the stem length with a remarkably tall Luther Pass and an old favorite as the pollen parent. We are seeing blooms 2 – 1/2 years out of flask but the plants are small. We would prefer to sell them beginning with the 2023 – 24 season unless you absolutely insist.
81113 Paphiopedilum Passing Shower
(Paphiopedilum Luther Pass 'Tall One' x Paphiopedilum Coral Rain 'Rampant Spots')An effort to increase the stem length of red and spot bulldogs. The shortness of stems has typically long frustrated us. These are showing some improvement in this category.
80805 Paphiopedilum Ella’s Spot
(Paphiopedilum Ella Dancing 'Dorsal Divine' x Paphiopedilum Spotglen 'Doodlebug' HCC/AOS)Another cross of two spotted red bulldogs using a favorite of ours as the pod parent
80202 Paphiopedilum Ella Singing
(Paphiopedilum Kindly Jack 'Green Glow' x Paphiopedilum Ella Dancing 'Rampant Spots')Kindly Jack we created out of Jack Tonkin and now we get to use it with one of our favorite spotted bulldogs.